Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Rice Cereal

Apparently now that I am 5 months old I am suppose to eat something called rice cereal. For those of you that have never had rice cereal it is NOT good!! At least I did not think it was good the first three nights Mommy and Daddy tried to feed it to me. On night 4 I loved the stuff!!
I am not sure why, but when I eat rice cereal, Daddy stands behind Mommy jumping up and down making airplane noises ... do they think that is appetizing??
Mommy stands in front of me singing a song about rice cereal ... again not the most pleasant experience.
Can't I just eat in peace and quiet??


Venus said...

He is so cute I want to squeeze him!!

Kristin Fjeseth Comer said...

The fun is just beginning... just wait til he sneezes when you are feeding him sweet potatoes! Can't wait to see you all this weekend!

The Mezieres said...

Ahh, the rice cereal! We are trying to tackle this right now too along with starting baby food. Brody hates the spoon from us although takes it better from his teachers. The pics are so cute! Hope you are doign good. We would love to see all three of you soon :)